Friday, 13 April 2012

Tucker Box to Guyra via Orange and Dubbo

Leaving the "Dog" we head along the road scenery undulating and there was a sign pick your own figs and plums. Alas someone hadn't taken down their signs, but we found the Grog Shed at Wombat. We bought some goodies, fig jam, fig and ginger jam, a roast capsicuim sauce and some Cherry wine. ( I thought yuk, but was nicely surprised), but good to taste, to go in casseroles and used with deserts and even a little nip and night time to warm the cockles of your heart.

Orange was great scenery and they call it "the city of colours", with the autumn tones we can see why

Dubbo is just another city and we got stung by the caravan park re rates - the book says it is $25 per night, but on no $35 per night coz of the school holidays!! We'll check next time before checking in. Craft shop was closed, there were all the big shops, restocked, so back on the road.
We leave Dubbo and head to Scone scenery is great and stay at Burning Mountain for the night (named after an aboriginal dreamtime story). A good free camp, even flushing toilets. Len wasn't feel to well (it was my turn, a couple of days before). Lenny had a nap and I went for a walk up Burning Mountain, but as it was late in the day and a 4km walk I didn't reach the top, but went about a km and then returned, cool tranquil and good for the soul. Did I mention I remembered to put the memory card in the camera, now.....I can share some pics :)

Next day on the road again and off to Tamworth. It is amazing how you have preconceived ideas of a place and we both had expected Tamworth to be flat, but no, hilly and quite pretty. Ah yes, it has the big golden guitar and no I didn't take a I thought there are lots of golden guitar photos out there! Scenery just goes on and on - very pleasant the view from Moonbi lookout

We drove through to Guyra which is a nice spot on the New England Hwy. It had been a long drive, so a special treat, we went to the pub for tea (only place in town). As we left the cute little caravan park at Guyra, our view of the evening sunset. This caravan park is the highest altitude caravan park in Australia or so they say!

As we drove into Guyra yesterday we saw the sign "market Saturday"....yippee, I don't know why I get very excited only to be let down again. Lots of craft, but very cutesy!! and no fresh fruit and veges. I should be pleased, just gotta get my act together and get my swing tags on the scarves and we'll have something to sell,  Oh well.....still smiling and have cooked a big pot of soup as the temperatures are very crisp. We had a -1 in Orange and here it is about 5 overnight. This will be a bit of winter this year  - as we head to Brisbane and then Cairns, we're sure there will be no winter. Still happy, otherwise, we will be told "Suck it up Princess!"

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